On 11/17/2013 03:46 AM, Emir Imamagic wrote:
Hello, glusterd has option transport.socket.bind-address that enables binding gluster to an exact IP address. This feature is necessary for HA cluster deployment. In the initial setup everything seemed fine, but after a little bit of testing I found several issues. Here are the issues I found: - NFS and selfheal daemons are started by glusterd but with volserver hard-coded to "localhost" (xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd-utils.c). Since the glusterd is tied to a different address these two daemons fail to start. - rebalance and quota sections in glusterd also invoke glusterfs with volserver hard-coded to "localhost" (xlators/mgmt/glusterd/src/glusterd-quota.c and glusterd-rebalance.c) - bind-address is not propagated to the NFS volume file or other NFS daemons so all of them are listening on I provided a patch that solves these issues for version 3.4.1 using the SRPM from here: http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/3.4/LATEST/EPEL.repo/epel-6/SRPMS/glusterfs-3.4.1-3.el6.src.rpm Unfortunately I didn't use trunk because I need the patched version deployed as soon as possible. I've been running the patched version on my test environment and it seems fine. Still I would be very grateful if someone can check if patches are any good. Patch can be found here: http://kosjenka.srce.hr/~eimamagi/glusterfs-3.4.1.add.bind-address.patch
The patch does look good and would need some minor tweaks before it can be pulled in. Would it be possible for you to submit the patch through gerrit by following instructions at:
http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Development_Work_Flow Once the patch is on gerrit, it will help us get review attention. Thanks, Vijay