Thanks John Mark!
I've been starting actually with murder, but it's really optimized for same datacenter style deployments.
there'd be an open source version of Sync (bittornado libs?) that also
allowed for a private tracker that could be setup as well. This should
be able to be public facing (same as's ) to allow for private setups. also (interestingly) there could be a tracker created to host user test environments. I've been starting actually with murder, but it's really optimized for same datacenter style deployments.
Obviously such an awesome project should be dropped in the forge as a module for gluster :)
On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 10:15 AM, John Mark Walker <jowalker@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is an interesting post:
I'm not necessarily recommending it, but it's an interesting way to create a geo-rep solution. It's copied from Theron Conrey's original blog post on the subject -
Next step, for someone who wanted to continue this line of thought to its logical conclusion, is to perhaps use Murder, an open source project from Twitter:
Murder is an unfortunately-named project for deploying binaries and code across a massively scaled web environment. It might be interesting to apply it to the geo-rep context.
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