Hey Jeff, *Finally* got all of the pieces of the GlusterFlow thing I've been working on functional (end to end): https://github.com/justinclift/glusterflow Written in Python 2.7 and using Django + PostgreSQL database. There's a screenshot on the front page of the repo. :) It's still super super basic, but the (first lot of) heavy lifting is done. It uses a Glupy translator to send JSON messages to a central collector server for every single fop done. (Yeah, lots of data, and likely to need optimisation) The web front shows what's been happening graphically, and (will): + allow the user to interactively select time ranges (historical analysis) + drill down into details of what's been used when (which fops, which files, ~microsecond accuracy) + anything else useful we can think of with this kind of data set like "most used files in time range XYZ" "server with most traffic in time range ABC" etc. The graphical stuff is all rendered client side using javascript, thus giving interactive capability. Mousing over the columns already provides stats for the given column's time range, etc. This could be pretty nifty if we get it right. :) Note - Anyone wanting to pitch in is welcome to. Pull request's very much accepted. :) For "put it on the Forge" thoughts... later. + Justin -- Open Source and Standards @ Red Hat twitter.com/realjustinclift