On 04/29/2013 01:57 PM, fog - wrote:
Hello Avati,
I am wrapping the syncop call in a synctask_new (otherwise
glusterFS will run into a null pointer @ synctask_get in the
SYNCOP macro & crash). Below is some code to show how I do
it currently to test the syncops.
typedef struct{
xlator_t *this; loc_t *loc; dict_t *dic;
int32_t __xattr_store_sync(void* data)
syncstore_args *args = (syncstore_args*)data;
return syncop_setxattr(FIRST_CHILD(args->this),
args->loc, args->dic, 0);
int32_t xattr_store_sync(xlator_t *this, call_frame_t *frame,
loc_t *loc, dict_t *dic)
syncstore_args args = {this, loc, dic};
return synctask_new(this->ctx->env,
__xattr_store_sync, NULL, NULL, &args);
If you don't provide a synctask_cbk_t to synctask_new, you are using
synctask in a 'blocking' mode.
That is, the thread calling synctask_new would block until the
synctask_fn_t function (ie, __xattr_store_sync) returns.
An alternative way to do this would be,
int32_t xattr_store_sync(xlator_t *this, call_frame_t *frame, loc_t
*loc, dict_t *dic)
syncstore_args args = {this, loc, dic};
return synctask_new(this->ctx->env, __xattr_store_sync,
__xattr_store_sync_cbk, NULL, &args);
int32_t __xattr_store_sync_cbk (int ret, /*and the other args*/)
// Your code goes here
return ret;
Now, all file operations performed using syncop_* inside
__xattr_store_sync would have the synchronous flavour, while leaving
the calling thread (thread calling xattr_store_sync fn) 'free'. This
should avoid the hang issue.
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 00:19:11 -0700
Subject: Re: rpc problems when using syncops
in callbacks
From: anand.avati@xxxxxxxxx
To: fog_is_my_name@xxxxxxxxxxx
CC: gluster-devel@xxxxxxxxxx
Note that you need to place your syncop code in
a synctask function strictly within a syncenv (by calling
synctask_new(). You're probably calling syncop_XXX()
directly in your xlator code?
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