On 01.04.2013 13:41, Kaleb S. KEITHLEY wrote:
I don't know what xlators/features/protect/... is. It's not in the
release-3.4 branch that I just cloned, checked out, and built.
Indeed my checkout of release-3.4 and RPM build moments ago worked
fine, so AFAIK nothing has broken since Thursday when the full
regression test was ran to validate my latest changes to the
glusterfs.spec.in — http://review.gluster.org/4742 and
Here are the steps I did:
14 8:13 git clone ssh://git.gluster.com/glusterfs.git
15 8:17 cd glusterfs-release-3.4
17 8:17 git checkout release-3.4
20 8:17 ./autogen.sh
29 8:20 ./configure --enable-fusermount
30 8:21 make dist
31 8:21 cd extras/LinuxRPM/
33 8:21 make glusterrpms
As Jeff has already mentioned, you need to figure out why
xlators/features/protect/... is not in your tree when you run `make
dist`. Or you need to figure out why xlators/features/protect/* is in
your configure.ac.
Hi Kaleb and thanks for the instructions. I may have mixed up stuff,
who knows. I'll try to build it again shortly.
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