Hey everyone,
I did a quick hack in go about a month ago and gluster-rest was the outcome. You can find it at https://github.com/kshlm/gluster-rest
The program is basically a wrapper around the gluster cli. It translates incoming requests to the correct gluster cli command, executes the cli command with the '--xml' parameter to get xml output and returns the xml document.
For eg,
For getting volume info, do a GET request on '<hostname>:<port>/gluster/volume/info/<volname>'.
For getting volume status, do a GET request on '<hostname>:<port>/gluster/volume/status/<volname>'
You just replace all the spaces in a gluster command by '/'s and prepend server information to get the URI for the request. This doesn't work with commands which take bricks as args (no way to escape the '/'s in brick paths), so they don't work for now. Also, proper errors are not returned.
There is still a lot to do, to make this acceptable for normal usage.
Have a look at this, run it, and if you have any comments, ideas etc., just let me know.