Dynamic disabling of eager-locking based on number of fds

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When there are multiple fds writing to same file with eager-lock enabled, the fd which acquires the eager-lock waits for
post-op-delay secs before doing the unlock. Because of this all other fds opened on the file face extra delay when
performing writes. Eager-locking, post-op-delay need to be disabled when there are multiple fds opened on the file.

Here is the profile info output for the case above:
Execute the following command on the mount point.
for n in `seq 1 50` ; do eval "/home/pranithk/workspace/gerrit-repo/append2log.py ./ben.log 10000 0.001 &" ; done ; wait

 %-latency   Avg-latency   Min-Latency   Max-Latency   No. of calls         Fop
 ---------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ------------        ----
      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us             50     RELEASE
      0.00       0.00 us       0.00 us       0.00 us             60  RELEASEDIR
      0.00      55.00 us      55.00 us      55.00 us              1    GETXATTR
      0.00      31.50 us      27.00 us      36.00 us              2      STATFS
      0.00      41.00 us      29.00 us      53.00 us              2     ENTRYLK
      0.00     198.00 us     198.00 us     198.00 us              1      CREATE
      0.00     124.00 us     108.00 us     140.00 us              2     READDIR
      0.00      27.04 us      17.00 us      95.00 us             49        OPEN
      0.00      74.89 us      13.00 us     206.00 us             47        STAT
      0.01      87.02 us      11.00 us     391.00 us             50       FLUSH
      0.01     102.43 us      20.00 us     268.00 us             60     OPENDIR
      0.02     344.27 us      22.00 us     940.00 us             44       WRITE
      0.02     228.80 us      52.00 us     345.00 us             82    FXATTROP
      0.03     199.89 us      19.00 us     404.00 us            120    READDIRP
      0.05      91.41 us      23.00 us     832.00 us            421      LOOKUP
     99.86  632698.45 us      17.00 us 1999724.00 us            126    FINODELK

Observe that most of the delay is in FINODELK fop.

      Possible Solution:
With the patch: http://review.gluster.org/4468 we started maintaining open-fd count in the inode. We need to implement xdata based xattr retrieval in write-fop and get open-fd-count in write fop. Remember the open-fd-count received from the write-fops and maintain it in afr-fd-ctx. If the open-fd count is >1 post-op-delay is immediately disabled for that write fop. All write-fops take into consideration this count to determine whether to enable eager-lock, post-op-delay for that write fop.
Let me know if you foresee any issues with this approach.

https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=910217 is tracking this issue.


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