On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 06:57:27PM +0530, Vijay Bellur wrote: > Is there anything in the server log for xattrop? Sorry, I should have started there. It seems there is a race with an operation done on an already removed file: [2013-01-25 12:46:51.828772] E [posix.c:3199:_posix_handle_xattr_keyvalue_pair] 0-gfs33-posix: getxattr failed on /export/wd1a/manu/netbsd/usr/src/sys/arch/bebo x/include/pci_machdep.h.01692w while doing xattrop: Key:trusted.afr.gfs33-client -2 (No such file or directory) [2013-01-25 12:46:51.841008] I [server-rpc-fops.c:1866:server_xattrop_cbk] 0-gfs 33-server: 458376: XATTROP /manu/netbsd/usr/src/sys/arch/bebox/include/pci_machd ep.h.01692w (4473107b-7a0b-442c-8dcd-da75c5f7daa9) ==> (Undefined error: 0) -- Emmanuel Dreyfus manu@xxxxxxxxxx