About SSL support, client logs stuff below at mount time. Is the first "SSL support is NOT enabled" message relevant? [2012-11-03 06:33:05.193306] I [socket.c:3286:socket_init] 0-glusterfs: SSL support is NOT enabled [2012-11-03 06:33:05.193560] I [socket.c:3301:socket_init] 0-glusterfs: using system polling thread [2012-11-03 06:33:05.232633] I [socket.c:3286:socket_init] 0-gfs33-client-3: SSL support is ENABLED [2012-11-03 06:33:05.232668] I [socket.c:3301:socket_init] 0-gfs33-client-3: using private polling thread [2012-11-03 06:33:05.253702] I [socket.c:3286:socket_init] 0-gfs33-client-2: SSL support is ENABLED [2012-11-03 06:33:05.253730] I [socket.c:3301:socket_init] 0-gfs33-client-2: using private polling thread [2012-11-03 06:33:05.258250] I [socket.c:3286:socket_init] 0-gfs33-client-1: SSL support is ENABLED [2012-11-03 06:33:05.258277] I [socket.c:3301:socket_init] 0-gfs33-client-1: using private polling thread [2012-11-03 06:33:05.262710] I [socket.c:3286:socket_init] 0-gfs33-client-0: SSL support is ENABLED Another problem: if I mount/unmount/mount on a client, the second mount fails and servers are stuck in a state where it is not possible to mount until they are restarted. It is possible to mount the same filesystem from a client using different mount pojnts, though. It will only break when the filesystem is mounted for the second time on a given mountpoint. It is not obvious to tell what goes wrong server-side, as log file output seems now buffered: it is not updated real-time anymore. I can see many lines like this, but I have trouble to tell when it starts: [2012-11-03 06:41:41.671932] W [socket.c:399:__socket_rwv] 0-socket.management: readv failed (No message available )[2012-11-03 06:41:41.793821] W [socket.c:399:__socket_rwv] 0-socket.management: readv failed (No message available) [2012-11-03 06:41:42.355515] W [socket.c:399:__socket_rwv] 0-management: readv failed (No message available) [2012-11-03 06:41:42.355828] W [socket.c:1830:__socket_proto_state_machine] 0-management: reading from socket failed. Error (No message available), peer ( -- Emmanuel Dreyfus http://hcpnet.free.fr/pubz manu@xxxxxxxxxx