On 06/22/2012 01:37 PM, M. Mohan Kumar wrote:
Hello, I posted GlusterFS server side xlator to enable exporting Block Devices as regular files to the client. Patches are in Gluster Gerrit: http://review.gluster.com/3551 http://review.gluster.com/3552 http://review.gluster.com/3553 http://review.gluster.com/3554 http://review.gluster.com/3555 http://review.gluster.com/3556 http://review.gluster.com/3557 http://review.gluster.com/3558 http://review.gluster.com/3559 Shishir already started reviewing the patches. But I am requesting more reviewers for my patchset.
Hey Mohan, I saw your patches, couldn't go into to it in more detail as I am traveling since last week. (here @ Boston for Red Hat Summit as of now). Again some more of the developers are traveling at the moment too.
Surely these patches will be reviewed soon. Also, thanks for sending these in 'review' friendly order (ie, broken based on functionality) :-)