Hello, Couple of questions that might help make my module a little more sane; 0) Is there any developer docco? I've just done another quick search and I can't see any. Let me know if there is and I'll try and answer the below myself. 1) What is the difference between STACK_WIND and STACK_WIND_COOKIE? I.e. I've only ever used STACK_WIND, when should I use it versus the other? 2) Is there a way to write linearly within a single function within Gluster (or is there a reason why I wouldn't want to do that)? RE 2: This may stem from my lack of understanding of the broader Gluster internals. I am performing multiple fops per fop, which is creating structural inelegances in the code that make me think I'm heading down the wrong rabbit hole. I want to say; read() { // pull in other content while(want more) { _lookup() _open() _read() _close() } return iovec } But the way I've understood the Gluster internal structure is that I need to operate in a chain of related functions; _read_lookup_cbk_open_cbk_read_cbk() { wind _close() } _read_lookup_cbk_open_cbk() { wind _read() add to local->iovec } _lookup_cbk() { wind _open() } read() { while(want more) { wind _lookup() } return local->iovec } Am I missing something - or is there a nicer way of doing this? Cheers, -- Ian Latter Late night coder .. http://midnightcode.org/