On 04/21/2012 08:45 PM, Alfie Viechweg wrote:
Is there a way to create files and directories in a glusterfs volume
before it is used so than the glusterfs process recognizes the object
when it starts up. What extended attributes, with what values do I need
to attach to the objects so they are properly initialized? Is there any
documentation on the list of attributes attached to objects?
Can you describe the use case properly ?
We don't want data to come directly into GlusterFS's backend, that would
cause lot of problems as it would skip our clustering logic layer, which
then can cause problems with client's data location finding algorithm
not perform optimally.
One good way is to have the native client mounted on the server machine,
and create the files/directories on top of glusterfs mount.
If you badly need to write only to backend without GlusterFS layer, but
want to access the data using glusterfs, supporting such configuration
would be hard, but technically, in such cases, its better to not create
any extended attributes with it. Extended attributes are automatically
generated in each translator layer depending on the functionality used,
number of bricks, etc etc...