On 09/06/2009 11:19 PM, Mark Mielke wrote:
On 09/06/2009 10:42 PM, Mark Mielke wrote:
This seems to happen about 50% of the time:
[root@wcarh035 ~]# ls /gluster/data
ls: cannot open directory /gluster/data: No such file or directory
[root@wcarh035 ~]# ls /gluster/data
00 06.fun 15 23.fun 32 40.fun 47 55.fun 64
00.fun 07 15.fun 24 32.fun 41 47.fun 56 64.fun
My current guess is that GlusterFS is saying the mount is complete to
AutoFS before the actual mount operation takes effect. 50% of the
time GlusterFS is able to complete the mount before AutoFS let's the
user continue, and all is well. The other 50% of the time, GlusterFS
does not quite finish the mount, and AutoFS gives the user a broken
I might try and prove this by adding a sleep 5 to
/sbin/mount.glusterfs, although I do not consider this a valid
solution, as it just reduces the effect of the race - it does not
eliminate the race.
Uhh... Hmm... It already has a "sleep 3", and changing it to "sleep 5"
does not reduce the frequency of the problem. Changing it to "sleep
10" also has no effect.
Why does it sometimes work and sometimes not?
I note that the fusermount from the FUSE libraries does not seem to have
the same problem:
$ /stage/linux/fuse-2.7.4/example/fusexmp_fh /tmp/t ; ls /tmp/t
backup/ boot/ etc/ lib64/ media/ pccyber/ sbin/ stage/
backup2/ db/ home/ lost+found/ mnt/ proc/ selinux/ sys/
bin/ dev/ lib/ mail/ opt/ root/ srv/ tmp/
It works immediately. Compare this to:
[root@wcarh033]~# echo hi >/tmp/t/hi
[root@wcarh033]~# time /opt/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs
--volfile=/etc/glusterfs/gluster-data.vol /tmp/t ; ls /tmp/t ; sleep 1 ;
ls /tmp/t
/opt/glusterfs/sbin/glusterfs --volfile=/etc/glusterfs/gluster-data.vol
/tmp/ 0.00s user 0.00s system 113% cpu 0.003 total
00 06.fun 15 23.fun 32 40.fun 47 55.fun 64
00.fun 07 15.fun 24 32.fun 41 47.fun 56 64.fun
01 07.fun 16 24.fun 33 41.fun 50 56.fun 65
01.fun 10 16.fun 25 33.fun 42 50.fun 57 65.fun
02 10.fun 17 25.fun 34 42.fun 51 57.fun 66
02.fun 11 17.fun 26 34.fun 43 51.fun 60 66.fun
03 11.fun 20 26.fun 35 43.fun 52 60.fun 67
03.fun 12 20.fun 27 35.fun 44 52.fun 61 67.fun
04 12.fun 21 27.fun 36 44.fun 53 61.fun lost+found
04.fun 13 21.fun 30 36.fun 45 53.fun 62
05 13.fun 22 30.fun 37 45.fun 54 62.fun
05.fun 14 22.fun 31 37.fun 46 54.fun 63
06 14.fun 23 31.fun 40 46.fun 55 63.fun
Note that the first 'ls' returns 'hi', and a second later, 'ls' returns
the glusterfs content.
For fusexmp, it appears to complete the mount before it returns. For
glusterfs, it seems to complete the mount a short time after it completes.
I think this is where autofs is getting confused, and serving the handle
to the directory to the client too early. It thinks glusterfs is done
mounting, and gives the handle to the client, but this handle is broken
and fails. Glusterfs completes the mount, and a short time later the
lookups succeed. Adding 'sleep' in mount.glusterfs do not seem to be
good enough - as 'sleep 1' and 'sleep 20' do not change the frequency.
The existing 'sleep 3' in /sbin/mount.glusterfs should be completely
unnecessary. Instead, we should figure out why GlusterFS cannot ensure
the mount is in place before it returns?
I'm worn out investigating for today - hopefully somebody can help me? :-)
Mark Mielke<mark@xxxxxxxxx>