Hi , Im testing AFR replication and noticed that a starnge thing probebly a bug in gluster 2 , say there are 2 servers in AFR mode , 1 of them reboots then few files get modified on the remaining node , none of the changes propergate when the otehr node comes back . Then i noticed this on gluster faq "understaning AFR" <> In other words, data replication only happens on those servers which were alive when the file was opened. This is a rather tricky issue but we hope to fix it very soon. <> At first i thought its mispeled but then made some tests and all confirmed this issue . Current me if im wrong but this is not a "tricky issue" its making the all AFR replication useless in all ways a can think of . On production you can expect reboots from time to time also you can expect file modifications happen non stop so what good is a replcation that doesnt take care of those files that where changed . New files can be created using ls -lR or other methods wich is not very nice nut fine seens it works , but the issue with modified files is realy making the AFR consept unussable . Anyone can fix my way of thinking regarding this ? any work arround for this issue . I kind of like th gluster consept . Rob .