hello, I find a bug in seal healing : Two AFR servers act also as client gluster mount point /mnt/vdisk gluster backend point /mnt/disk 1 - touch /mnt/vdisk/TEST1 : ok on two server 2a - rm /mnt/disk/TEST1 on first server define on AFR translator -> ls -l /mnt/vdisk send empty for all server : ok 2b - ( not 2a) : rm /mnt/disk/TEST1 on second server define on AFR translator -> ls -l /mnt/vdisk send TEST1 for all server : not OK This is first bug , i think the problem comes that Load balancing not working, command are always execute on same server, the first define this problem is also coming with read-subvolumes not works. 3a - ( second server is define as favorite child ) , no synchronise, TEST1 never create ( normal that's always doing operation from server 1 ) . Now i write some data on /mnt/disk/TEST1 from second server ) then I touch /mnt/vdisk/TEST1 again => TEST1 synchronize on two server with server 2 content : ok In my point of views, ls /mnt/vdisk must not always get data from the same server , isnt'it ? I can correct this problem by do a touch on /mnt/vdisk on all files on server backend 2 , so ls /mnt/vdisk send me 0 file size, but favorite-child resynchronize with correct content. To summarize if i reinstall from zero a new server and in my conf client file, this server appears as the first declare in afr subvolume, it can't be synchronize with the second server. Regards, Nicolas Prochazka.