right after gluster start:
Arena 0:
system bytes = 135168
in use bytes = 102512
Arena 1:
system bytes = 135168
in use bytes = 3696
Total (incl. mmap):
system bytes = 2174976
in use bytes = 2010848
max mmap regions = 4
max mmap bytes = 1904640
once gluster hit cache-size, as reported by top (3GB):
Arena 0:
system bytes = 895643648
in use bytes = 851334192
Arena 1:
system bytes = 65482752
in use bytes = 64808592
Arena 2:
system bytes = 482492416
in use bytes = 482344656
Total (incl. mmap):
system bytes = 3258667008
in use bytes = 3213535632
max mmap regions = 23814
max mmap bytes = 3220254720
with gluster at 4.1GB
Arena 0:
system bytes = 2262704128
in use bytes = 2087039296
Arena 1:
system bytes = 938864640
in use bytes = 329595824
Arena 2:
system bytes = 1312215040
in use bytes = 750181168
Total (incl. mmap):
system bytes = 220721152
in use bytes = 3168720928
max mmap regions = 23814
max mmap bytes = 3220254720
with gluster at 4.1GB, after echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches:
Arena 0:
system bytes = 2510168064
in use bytes = 858861680
Arena 1:
system bytes = 938864640
in use bytes = 127221808
Arena 2:
system bytes = 1280753664
in use bytes = 72664640
Total (incl. mmap):
system bytes = 436723712
in use bytes = 1060652768
max mmap regions = 23814
max mmap bytes = 3220254720
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Amar Tumballi (bulde) <amar@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Gordan and Dan,
It would help me a lot if its possible for you to get the info as described below,
compile glusterfs like
bash# make clean > /dev/null
bash# make CFLAGS="-g -O0 -DDEBUG" > /dev/null
bash# make install
run the process which consumes memory (mostly client process) like below:
bash# glusterfs <any argument you give generally> -N
<this process will run in foreground now>
Open another terminal
bash# ps aux | grep glusterfs
bash# kill -s SIGUSR1 <pid of glusterfs -N process>
<Check in other terminal for memory usage stats>
bash# <run your application over glusterfs as you do till you get high memory usage of glusterfs.. >
bash# kill -s SIGUSR1 <pid of glusterfs -N process>
<Check the stat in another terminal>
bash# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
bash# kill -s SIGUSR1 <pid of glusterfs -N process>
<Check the stat in another terminal>
Even after dropping caches, if 'in use bytes =' in malloc stats shows a high value, then it is a leak. If its showing less, but just 'system bytes = ' is a high value, this means glusterfs is not really consuming high memory, but the problem is really in the memory allocation segments.
NOTE: 'malloc_stats' will be printed to 'stdout' if we enable -DDEBUG while compiling glusterfs, as it hits performance badly otherwise.2009/2/23 Gordan Bobic <gordan@xxxxxxxxxx>
Dan Parsons wrote:It's possible you are running into the same memory leak that I'm seeing, and I'm not using io-cache or any other performance translators at all. With rootfs on Gluster, doing a kernel compile (kernel source tree being on NFS, so this won't be contributing to the bloat, hopefully) makes the glusterfsd bloat by about 80MB per pass, and never frees it.
I'm having an issue with glusterfs exceeding its cache-size value. Right now I have it set to 4000MB and I've seen it climb as high as 4800MB. If I set it to 5000, I've seen it go as high as 6000MB. This is a problem because it causes me to set the value very low so that my apps don't get pushed into swap. Is there any way to fix this? To get it to stick to the limit I set and not exceed?
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Amar Tumballi
Gluster/GlusterFS Hacker
[bulde on #gluster/irc.gnu.org]
http://www.zresearch.com - Commoditizing Super Storage!
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