In my install of 1.4rc7, /sbin/mount.glusterfs is a simple shell
script, and glusterfs is actually a symlink to glusterfsd. So, in
short, I'd have to say that in 1.4rc7, yes, the client and server are
one binary.
Dan Parsons
On Jan 14, 2009, at 12:38 PM, Kevan Benson wrote:
Sean Davis wrote:
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Kevan Benson
Anand Babu Periasamy wrote:
2.0.0rc1 will be available in a week. Before we call it 2.0.0, we
want to
to achieve the following:
* Binary packages for GNU/Linux (rpm/deb), FreeBSD, Mac OS X and
As for the RPM spec file, are you amenable to some alterations?
IMO it
would be preferable to build three packages instead of one,
glusterfs-common, glusterfs-client and glusterfs-server, following
common way client/server packages are built in RHEL/CentOS.
I remember Matt's spec file used to be this way, but it looks like
guys specifically changed it:
* Sat Apr 19 2008 Amar Tumballi <amar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 1.3.8pre6
- Merged common, client and server packages into one package.
Is there a reason for that?
Aren't client and server now one executable? I think so.
Nope. At least not in 1.4rc7.
-Kevan Benson
-A-1 Networks
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