I'm about to switch from 1.3.11 to the latest rc of 1.4... how much
different will 2.0 be from 1.4? Or will 2.0 effectively be the latest
version of 1.4 rc7 + bug fixes etc? Or will it be a totally different
I suppose the best course of action would be to wait until 2.0 but I
really need that io-cache leak fix now.
Dan Parsons
On Jan 5, 2009, at 3:59 AM, Anand Babu Periasamy wrote:
Dear Community,
Since the 1.3 release, we have come a long way to reach this level
of code maturity.
We are preparing to call the next release as the 2.0.0 instead of
1.4.0. There are
real technical reasons to do so. We want to sincerely apologize for
this confusion.
* Significant architectural enhancements and code-rewrites since
- AFR rewrite, non-blocking IO, binary protocol and single address
* Current code base will remain as the foundation for upcoming major
featuring hot-management, active-heal, defrag, snapshot, NDMP and
* New features:
- Distribute: elastic hash based clustering
- Apache / Lighttpd embeddable
- Distributed BerkeleyDB
- Atomic writes in AFR
- High-Availability translator
- NUFA translator
* Improved performance and scalability, particularly for small files.
* Changes towards simplification
- "distribute" supersedes complicated "unify"
- "AFR" renamed as "replicate"
- Simpler documentation using "distribute", "replicate" and "stripe"
- Standardized volume templates for most common use cases
2.0.0rc1 will be available in a week. Before we call it 2.0.0, we
want to
to achieve the following:
* Seamless migration for 1.3 users
* Clean and complete documentation
* Binary packages for GNU/Linux (rpm/deb), FreeBSD, Mac OS X and
Solaris (server)
* And most importantly the community blessing for 2.0 stable release.
Happy Hacking!
GlusterFS Team
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