I would very much love to have the feature described below
(authoritative repository), using gluster as basically an automatic,
real-time rsync
Dan Parsons
On Dec 30, 2008, at 9:17 PM, Martin Fick wrote:
--- On Tue, 12/30/08, Basavanagowda Kanur <gowda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 11:11 PM, Martin Fick
<mogulguy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
1B) If memory only, are there any plans for a file
based cache?
Yes, we have plans for file based cache in our future
It sounds like this would simply require adding local disk cache
read/writting to the translator without requiring any changes to the
way coherency is maintained? Seems like it might be well worth it.
If it is as simple as I am thinking, with disk caching, clients
could maintain huge local caches and likely dramatically improve
These days clients may even have enough storage to cache an entire
filesystem making the cluster servers simply authoritative
repositories. If this were the case, perhaps networks could be
optimized for latency instead of throughput without suffering much
of a FS throughput performance penalty since most large reads would
come from the local cache. Just some random thoughts...
Thanks for your replies,
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