While working on setting up GlusterFS as part of a University project, I started working on some Python scripts to dynamically generate GlusterFS configurations, and seeing John's question about separate spec files for each server, decided I should post what I had done here. The main 'library' script is available at: http://cs.waikato.ac.nz/~sjd29/glusterfs-config/glfsconf.py Volume definitions are represented as classes in the script which can be configured and put together, then output ready to be read into GlusterFS as the config file when it starts up. You write a second Python script which utilises these classes and functions to actually construct your site-specific configuration, either hard coding the information or using some config files or whatever -- you write that bit. Here is the example config I came up with to try it on our test cluster: http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~sjd29/glusterfs-config/glusterconf_waikato.py Pretty much the result of an afternoon of hacking around. Not very well documented but could be a good starting point for anyone looking for a dynamic config system. -- Samuel