Hello all, I have made a lot of tests over GlusterFS to verify his viability. I wrote at this list one or two weeks ago asking about an issue with clients that goes down and causes problems with other clients that can not access to the Gluster file system. Are the developers of GlusterFS noticed about this issue? I think that is a serious problem and I need an answer to advice or not the use of GlusterFS in a project. I proved this issue over several scenarios (AFR/unify at server side, client side, without AFR?), and I think that the problem is the unify translator. I made a test with one server and two clients. Without unify translator works fine, a client who goes down while reads or copy a file, don?t affect other clients. With the unify translator, if a client who reads/writes file goes down causes the problem (other clients that tries an ?ls? command are blocked). I made a test with two servers (without AFR, unify at client side), I have localized files in each server, I try to block one server and access to a file in the other server (cp command). I can see that the access to this server (no blocked) is in function of the timeout option. If I don?t set timeout, the client takes 2 or 3 minutes and not finishes the command. If I set a timeout of 20 sec the client takes 32 sec and finishes the command. For a timeout of 40 s. the client takes 60 sec approximately. I would like to know at least if this problem is recognized by the developers of Gluster. They know which is problem? They working to solve it? . Thanks,