Hi everyone, Here is a template for a HA storage configuration with GlusterFS. Configuration is : 2 nodes on a network A (or2 and or3) 1 node on a network B (op1) We want to provide HA services for both networks A & B In this example, we also provide a "backup" node for network A All clients from networks A & B should see the same volume at every time ################ Server 1 ################ volume tbs-clust-op1-local-data type storage/posix option directory /export/GLUSTER/data end-volume volume tbs-clust-op1-local-data-locks type features/posix-locks subvolumes tbs-clust-op1-local-data end-volume volume tbs-clust-op1-local-ns type storage/posix option directory /export/GLUSTER/namespace end-volume volume tbs-clust-or2-remote-data type protocol/client option transport-type tcp/client option remote-host option remote-subvolume tbs-clust-or2-local-data-locks end-volume volume tbs-clust-or3-remote-data type protocol/client option transport-type tcp/client option remote-host option remote-subvolume tbs-clust-or3-local-data-locks end-volume ### Performance xlators volume tbs-clust-or2-iot type performance/io-threads option thread-count 2 subvolumes tbs-clust-or2-remote-data end-volume volume tbs-clust-or2-wb type performance/write-behind subvolumes tbs-clust-or2-iot end-volume volume tbs-clust-or3-iot type performance/io-threads option thread-count 2 subvolumes tbs-clust-or3-remote-data end-volume volume tbs-clust-or3-wb type performance/write-behind subvolumes tbs-clust-or3-iot end-volume ### Replication on server-side volume tbs-clust-data-afr type cluster/afr subvolumes tbs-clust-op1-local-data-locks tbs-clust-or3-wb tbs-clust-or2-wb option replicate *:3 option self-heal on end-volume ### Unification on server-side volume tbs-clust-unify type cluster/unify subvolumes tbs-clust-data-afr option namespace tbs-clust-op1-local-ns option scheduler rr end-volume ### Global Performance xlators volume tbs-clust-server type performance/io-threads option thread-count 8 option cache-size 32MB subvolumes tbs-clust-unify end-volume ### Volumes exportation volume server type protocol/server option transport-type tcp/server subvolumes tbs-clust-server option auth.ip.tbs-clust-op1-local-data-locks.allow,,,, option auth.ip.tbs-clust-op1-local-ns.allow, option auth.ip.tbs-clust-server.allow,,,, end-volume ################ Server 2 ################ volume tbs-clust-or2-local-data type storage/posix option directory /export/GLUSTER/data end-volume volume tbs-clust-or2-local-data-locks type features/posix-locks subvolumes tbs-clust-or2-local-data end-volume volume tbs-clust-or2-local-ns type storage/posix option directory /export/GLUSTER/namespace end-volume volume tbs-clust-or3-remote-data type protocol/client option transport-type tcp/client option remote-host option remote-subvolume tbs-clust-or3-local-data-locks end-volume volume tbs-clust-op1-remote-data type protocol/client option transport-type tcp/client option remote-host option remote-subvolume tbs-clust-op1-local-data-locks end-volume ### Performance xlators volume tbs-clust-op1-iot type performance/io-threads option thread-count 4 subvolumes tbs-clust-op1-remote-data end-volume volume tbs-clust-op1-wb type performance/write-behind subvolumes tbs-clust-op1-iot end-volume ### Replication on server-side volume tbs-clust-data-afr type cluster/afr subvolumes tbs-clust-or2-local-data-locks tbs-clust-or3-remote-data tbs-clust-op1-wb option replicate *:3 option self-heal on end-volume ### Unification on server-side volume tbs-clust-unify type cluster/unify subvolumes tbs-clust-data-afr option namespace tbs-clust-or2-local-ns option scheduler rr end-volume ### Global Performance xlators volume tbs-clust-server type performance/io-threads option thread-count 8 option cache-size 32MB subvolumes tbs-clust-unify end-volume ### Volumes exportation volume server type protocol/server option transport-type tcp/server subvolumes tbs-clust-server option auth.ip.tbs-clust-or2-local-data-locks.allow,,,, option auth.ip.tbs-clust-or2-local-ns.allow, option auth.ip.tbs-clust-server.allow,,,, end-volume ################ Server 3 ################ volume tbs-clust-or3-local-data type storage/posix option directory /export/GLUSTER/data end-volume volume tbs-clust-or3-local-data-locks type features/posix-locks subvolumes tbs-clust-or3-local-data end-volume volume tbs-clust-or3-local-ns type storage/posix option directory /export/GLUSTER/namespace end-volume volume tbs-clust-or2-remote-data type protocol/client option transport-type tcp/client option remote-host option remote-subvolume tbs-clust-or2-local-data-locks end-volume volume tbs-clust-op1-remote-data type protocol/client option transport-type tcp/client option remote-host option remote-subvolume tbs-clust-op1-local-data-locks end-volume ### Performance xlators volume tbs-clust-op1-iot type performance/io-threads option thread-count 4 subvolumes tbs-clust-op1-remote-data end-volume volume tbs-clust-op1-wb type performance/write-behind subvolumes tbs-clust-op1-iot end-volume ### Replication on server-side volume tbs-clust-data-afr type cluster/afr subvolumes tbs-clust-or3-local-data-locks tbs-clust-or2-remote-data tbs-clust-op1-wb option replicate *:3 option self-heal on end-volume ### Unification on server-side volume tbs-clust-unify type cluster/unify subvolumes tbs-clust-data-afr option namespace tbs-clust-or3-local-ns option scheduler rr end-volume ### Global Performance xlators volume tbs-clust-server type performance/io-threads option thread-count 8 option cache-size 32MB subvolumes tbs-clust-unify end-volume ### Volumes exportation volume server type protocol/server option transport-type tcp/server subvolumes tbs-clust-server option auth.ip.tbs-clust-or3-local-data-locks.allow,,,, option auth.ip.tbs-clust-or3-local-ns.allow, option auth.ip.tbs-clust-server.allow,,,, end-volume ################ client (1, 2, & 3 and even more !) ################ volume tbs-clust type protocol/client option transport-type tcp/client # for TCP/IP transport option remote-host # IP address of the remote brick # option remote-host glust-or.pitux.org # rr DNS resolves & # & if # there is a weight-balancing option remote-subvolume tbs-clust-server # name of the remote volume option transport-timeout 10 end-volume ### Performance xlators volume tbs-clust-iothreads type performance/io-threads option thread-count 8 option cache-size 32MB subvolumes tbs-clust end-volume volume tbs-clust-write-behind type performance/write-behind option aggregate-size 131072 # unit in bytes subvolumes tbs-clust-iothreads Enjoy ! Sebastien.