Hi everybody, I'm glad to announce that Gluster HPC 1.0 is released. This release has lot of bug fixes and is well tested in Redhat/CentOS/Scientific Linux distributions on x86_64 architecture. tla codebase of gluster--mainline--1.1 is up to date and binary ISO file can be downloaded for x86_64 architecture from ftp://zresearch.com/pub/gluster/release/1.0/gluster-1.0-x86_64.iso ftp://zresearch.com/pub/gluster/release/1.0/gluster-1.0-x86_64.iso.md5sum Users are welcome to compile Gluster HPC on various architecture. Currently toolchain for x86_64 architecture can be downloaded from ftp://zresearch.com/pub/gluster/release/1.0/gluster-toolchain-x86_64.tar.gz ftp://zresearch.com/pub/gluster/release/1.0/gluster-toolchain-x86_64.tar.gz.md5sum ISO/toolchain for other architecture, documentation, website and wiki pages will be updated soon. Happy hacking Bala --- Free as in freedom http://www.gnu.org/