Hello everyone, First, thanks to developers for GlusterFS - we are considering transition to cluster filesystem and so far I have narrowed the possible choices down to only two usable options, namely GlusterFS and LUSTRE. I have searched archives for issues related to running SQL engine on top of GlusterFS, but haven't found explicit answers, so here it goes: 1. Are there any drawbacks to running RDBMS such as PostgreSQL or MySQL on client node while the data like .MYI and .MYD files are stored on GlusterFS brick? Conversely, are there any advantages? E.g. any thoughts about configuration that could parallelize reads of different sections of index and data files and thus boost performance of SELECT queries? 2. Any hard data / tests / hints about performance in comparison to running RDBMS engine on local fs? 3. Can you think of any problems regarding reliability, locking issues, etc? It would be nice to add an item like this to FAQ - I'd write smth on the topic myself, but frankly I have very little experience with cluster filesystems, so it's not like I feel knowledgeable on the subject. -- Marcin Krol