First, this looks like a great project. Hats off to the developers. Like the post from Pooya a few days ago, I too would like to cluster storage from several (10-20) machines, each with a few disks, to be used for serving up mostly static data (a lot of it, but not striped). I understand with the current 1.3 release I can do this, and with "type cluster/afr" I can specify where multiple copies should go, for some redundancy safety. But in fact if a cluster member is not reliably up, this safety is actually lost, right? E.g. if a member goes down and stays down then things are OK b/c the replica(s) can be used, but if we allow that member to come back w/o recognizing its absence, then things could get bad. Is anyone using 1.3 and handling this condition? Or are people just playing with 1.3 and waiting for 1.4? There are a few projects approaching distributed fault tolerance, or making it manageable, it seems (ceph, lustre, gfarm, ...), what are people using until then? On another note, it seems an alternate/ill-conceived(?) way to implement afr could be to remove the burden of detailing the replication from the user and put it instead on the scheduler? E.g. allow the "option replicate *:2" spec to go into the "type cluster/unify" block; this way files would be spread out in an arbitrary fashion (compared to suggested 1-2 2-3 ... setups) and the loss of 2 machines wouldn't eliminate 1/N of the storage. Thanks again for the work so far. Mark