Hello everybody! I'm trying to mount /home as glusterFS 1.3-pre2.2 volume. It's OK in general, but KDE doesn't start with strange errors in .xsession-errors like "*WARNING: Problem deleting **stale lockfile knotifyrc.lock". *After a lot of googling I've found the following post, which describes a very similar problem and gives a solution: http://www.arcknowledge.com/gmane.comp.file-systems.fuse.devel/2005-04/msg00052.html In short words, one need to provide "use_ino" option to fuse filesystem. But as I could found, GlusterFS client doesn't allow to pass such an options to underling fuse-lib. So I've patched fuse-internals.c source file appropriately. And it's works, the problem with KDE has gone! Probably it's worth to apply such changes to the main source trunk. But I'm curios if there can be some side effects (about performance for example)... WBR, Andrey