As others have noticed, git-svn can't handle branches with spaces.
Turns out that there is a possible workaround: thiago's
svn-all-fast-export tool is super super configurable, allowing you to work
around evil branch names by modifying your matching rules.
I made rules like this:
match /branches/crazy branch with spaces/
repository myproject
branch crazy_branch_with_spaces
end match
match /branches/([^/]+)/
repository myproject
branch \1
end match
Since the rules apply in order, the evil branch name matched before the
catch-all matcher, fixing my problem.
And it doesn't hurt that svn-all-fast-export is at least an order of
magnitude faster than git-svn clone... If you find that git-svn is too
slow, I strongly recommend svn-all-fast-export.git for performance alone!
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