On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 23:24:56 +0100, Jonas Fonseca
<jonas.fonseca@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 22:48, Tilo Schwarz <tilo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
One thing came to my mind. When I use 'S' and then 'u' to stage/unstage
files, it would be nice if I could press a key(maybe 'C') to fire up my
$EDITOR, enter my commit message, let tig do the commit and find myself
into the updated status view. Does this sound reasonable?
Sure, you can achieve this very easily. For example, I have the
following bindings in my ~/.tigrc:
bind generic + !git commit --amend
bind generic . !git commit
With tig-0.14, you can also put bindings in your ~/.gitconfig or the
project specific .git/config file using:
[tig "bind"]
generic = C !git commit
generic = w !firefox http://repo.or.cz/w/tig.git?h=%(commit)
The last one uses "browsing state variables". There is more
information about those in tigrc(5)[1]
Wow, that flexibility is really impressive!
Then I have another question: Did you ever thought of a branch view, where
you can see, create, delete and merge the different branches which are in
a git project.
Best regards,
(oops, I forgot to change this to the lists language in my previous post)
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