On Feb 4, 2009, at 12:03 PM, Marius Seritan wrote:
I imported over night an svn repository with the command:
git svn clone --prefix svn/ -r 860 http://svn.some.com/svn/
The svn repository uses the usual trunk, branches, tag so I
(wrongly?) assumed I do not need to pass any command switches
regarding the structure of the repo.
"git svn clone URL" attempts to act like "svn co URL", but with
history. If you only want to download the trunk, then you should add
"/trunk" to the end of the URL. If you want to capture all the
branches, tags, etc you should use "--stdlayout" (also spelled "-s").
I obviously did something wrong because now I have a git repository
with just one remote branch and it contains the folders trunk,
branches and tag. I do not want to reimport because it is taking
lots of time and bandwidth.
I believe fixing this without reimporting requires using "git filter-
branch". I'm unfamiliar with it, so I can't help you with that part.
However, I'm curious as to why this took a lot of time because the "-r
860" on the command line should tell git-svn to only download a single
revision. Is it a particularly repository?
~~ Brian
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