Re: Short "git commit $file" syntax fails in the face of a resolved conflict

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On Fri, 23 Jan 2009, Nanako Shiraishi wrote:

Your explanation is a good answer to Nathan's misunderstanding; "git add path && git commit" and "git commit path" are different.
But Nathan's first sentence is a different matter.
Thanks for seeing this!

I do not think it is coming from the same confusion, and I think the question is a valid one. Your answer does not explain why it is a bad idea to change the behavior of "git commit path" to what "git commit -i path" does during a merge.
During a merge where the file called "file" is in conflict, I don't see 
why the internal mechanism of how a merge gets resolved is important to 
users like Nathan.
Sure, the index is nice, but let's look at the choices here.  When he runs
$ git commit file -m 'fixed conflict'
git can do one of two things:

(a) Fail with an obscure (or less obscure) error message, or
(b) Succeed.

The way in which it can suceed is unambiguous. Now, in the case of more than one file being in conflict, it makes sense to abort; success isn't possible. But in this case, no one really benefits from the user having to type something else to have the command actually succeed.
Those are my thoughts.

The answer of course can be "because it changes the behavior people are very much used to."
I don't think anyone is "very much used to" this error message, or that 
making something succeed in the only possible way is going to confuse 
anyone. If you're worried about confusing people, git could print a note 
	$ git commit file -m "Fixed conflict"
	NOTE: Merge was in progress. If you have more than one file in conflict
	in a future merge, be sure to "git add" each file separately and then
	commit them all at once.
	Created commit 12ede36: Fixed conflict
	 0 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
	 create mode 100644 file

-- Asheesh.

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