lots of misinformation in here (including the implication that gittorrent
is ready, or nearly ready to use).
David Lang
Political and Technical Implications of GitTorrent
Posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday December 04, @01:03PM
from the distribute-this-sucka dept.
Programming Media
lkcl writes "The GitTorrent Protocol (GTP) is a protocol for collaborative
git repository distribution across the Internet. Git promises to be a
distributed software management tool, where a repository can be
distributed. Yet, the mechanisms used to date to actually 'distribute,'
such as ssh, are very much still centralized. GitTorrent makes Git truly
distributed. The initial plans are for reducing mirror loading, however
the full plans include totally distributed development: no central mirrors
whatsoever. PGP signing (an existing feature of git) and other
web-of-trust-based mechanisms will take over from protocols on ports (e.g.
ssh) as the access control 'clearing house.' The implications of a truly
distributed revision control system are truly staggering: unrestricted
software freedom. The playing field is leveled in so many ways, as 'The
Web Site' no longer becomes the central choke-point of control. Coming
just in time for that all-encompassing Free Software revolution hinted at
by The Rebellion Against Vista, this article will explain more fully some
of the implications that make this quiet and technically brilliant
project, GitTorrent, so important to Software Freedom, from both technical
and political perspectives."
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