Shawn O. Pearce wrote:
Farrukh Najmi <farrukh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
My "git status" command shows:
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# modified: xml/minDB/SubmitObjectsRequest_CMSScheme.xml
The file above was committed and then modified. I want to use jgit to
find the comitted version of that file.
When I do the following code I get a null treeWalk? Why is that? What
should I specify for path instead?
String path = "xml/minDB/SubmitObjectsRequest_CMSScheme.xml";
String versionName = Constants.HEAD;
Commit commit = repository.mapCommit(versionName);
if (commit == null) {
log.trace("Did not find Commit. versionName:" +
} else {
ObjectId[] ids = {commit.getTree().getId()};
TreeWalk treeWalk = TreeWalk.forPath(repository, path, ids);
Huh. That should have worked.
TreeWalk.forPath returns null if the path doesn't get found. So
it sounds like jgit isn't matching the path. Its a pretty simple
operation, I'm not sure why its failing here. I'd run it through
a debugger to try and see why the TreeWalk didn't match your path.
Your code is logically the same as:
git rev-parse HEAD:$path
so it should find the blob if Git would have found it.
My bad. I had a type in the path in my junit test :-[
Its working as expected. Thanks.
Farrukh Najmi
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