Re: git export to svn

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Björn - Thanks again for your help...

On Oct 26, 2008, at 10:15 AM, Björn Steinbrink wrote:

Since I'm trying to export my git repo to svn, the svn repo is
completely empty.
OK, the "r58084" made me think that your code is based on something  
is already in the SVN repo. But apperently, that's just a shared svn
repo, right?

This should do and uses a graft to simplify the process a bit:

Initialize git-svn:
git svn init -s --prefix=svn/ https://svn/svn/SANDBOX/warren/test2

The --prefix gives you remote tracking branches like "svn/trunk" which
is nice because you don't get ambiguous names if you call your local
branch just "trunk" then. And -s is a shortcut for the standard
trunk/tags/branches layout.

Fetch the initial stuff from svn:
git svn fetch

Now look up the hash of your root commit (should show a single commit):
git rev-list --parents master | grep '^.\{40\}$'

Then get the hash of the empty trunk commit:
git rev-parse svn/trunk

Create the graft:
echo <root-commit-hash> <svn-trunk-commit-hash> >> .git/info/grafts

Now, "gitk" should show svn/trunk as the first commit on which your
master branch is based.

Make the graft permanent:
git filter-branch -- ^svn/trunk --all

Drop the graft:
rm .git/info/grafts

gitk should still show svn/trunk in the ancestry of master

Linearize your history on top of trunk:
git svn rebase

And now "git svn dcommit -n" should tell you that it is going to commit
to trunk.
This worked. The only downside was that all of our svn users  
subscribed to the checkins mailing list got a flood of messages from  
me, but otherwise it worked like a charm. (I see that the original git  
commit dates were not preserved in svn, but that doesn't matter too  

Alternatively, if rebase gives just too many conflicts, you can do:

git svn init -s --prefix=svn/ https://svn/svn/SANDBOX/warren/test2
git svn fetch
git checkout -b trunk svn/trunk
git merge master
git svn dcommit

That will just create a single huge commit in svn. But the history will be retained in git. You can then work on the new "trunk" branch or move
your master branch, so it points to the same commit as trunk and then
drop the "trunk" branch or whatever. It just matters that your new work
is based upon the dcommited merge commit, so "svn/trunk" is in your
branch's history.
This didn't work for me. (I had tried the first procedure on a test  
tree, then this one on a different test tree, and ultimately went back  
to the first procedure for my real git repo.) I ended up with an empty  
svn tree. For the record, here's what happened:
$ git svn fetch
W: Ignoring error from SVN, path probably does not exist: (175002): RA layer request failed: REPORT of '/svn/!svn/bc/100': Could not read chunk size: Secure connection truncated (https://svn) W: Do not be alarmed at the above message git-svn is just searching aggressively for old history.
This may take a while on large repositories
r58382 = 9b9d5f01e4a3aca714eb5f61a9f05ab657cc7bc5 (svn/trunk)
Checked out HEAD:
  https://svn/svn/test3/trunk r58382

$ git checkout -b trunk svn/trunk
Switched to a new branch "trunk"

$ git merge master
Already up-to-date.

$ git svn dcommit
Committing to https://svn/svn/test3/trunk ...

$ cd tmp/svn-test3/

$ svn co https://svn/svn/test3/trunk
Checked out revision 58385.

$ ls -al trunk/
total 88
drwxr-xr-x  11 warren  staff    374 Oct 28 18:15 .
drwxr-xr-x   3 warren  staff    102 Oct 28 18:15 ..
drwxr-xr-x   9 warren  staff    306 Oct 28 18:15 .svn

Now one thing that might be different than what you prescribed is that our svn repo uses different conventions for branches and tags, so I didn't use 'git svn init -s', although I doubt that matters.
Anyway, I'm up and running in svn with your first procedure, so my  
problem is solved. Thanks.
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