Re: Git/Mercurial interoperability (and what about bzr?) (was: Re: [VOTE] git versus mercurial)

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On 28 okt 2008, at 15:41, Peter Krefting wrote:

It seems to me that use of DVCS is polarising between Git, Mercurial
and Bzr. It would be nice to have easy interoperability between the
systems, at least as far as can be covered by the lowest common
denominator of what they support. I would love to be able to use Git to
clone a Bzr repository that I need to be able to access, since bzr is
just different enough from Git to be annoying. Same goes for Mercurial.
And I am sure that users of the other tools feel the same.

Would it be possible to design a common transfer format that could be
implemented by all three (and that would be a little smarter than
What would you want that the fast-export/imports are lacking? I think  
they are excellent tools to build some integration on.
You might want to look at my git-bzr script ( 
), which I created so I could use
bazaar branches easily in git. It allows you to fetch a bzr branch,  
merge it in with your local work, and then push it out again:
	git bzr add bzr-branch ~/bazaar/something
	git bzr fetch bzr-branch
	git merge bzr/bzr-branch
	git bzr push bzr-branch

It's quite crude, but it's also only 100 lines or so and does what I need. It should also be simple enough to adapt it to also incorporate hg. When I needed the bzr integration, I looked into hg as well, but there wasn't a hg fast-import yet. If I understand dscho correctly, that exists now, so it should be easy enough to integrate that as well.
- Pieter
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