Re: Different svn-id URLs in history

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Michael J Gruber wrote:
Knut Eldhuset venit, vidit, dixit 08.10.2008 11:20:
Michael J Gruber wrote:
Knut Eldhuset venit, vidit, dixit 08.10.2008 08:34:

So, in order to help you, we would need to know

- the layout of your svn repo: where are trunk, branches and tags, how
did you create branches and tags in svn, are "projects" entirely separate

We really only have one "project" source tree at https://server/trunk/some_folder/project/src
However, once the sources were at
That may be the source of the trouble. In fact, the log below indicates
that it is more like the following two paths:


I think my description is correct, but these particular log messages may 
not be the best examples. We did have files and folders in "old_source" 
that moved to "src".
Therefore we have the following:

$ svn log -v -r4871 https://server/
r4871 | nn | 2007-09-25 13:36:25 +0200 (Tue, 25 Sep 2007) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
    M /trunk/project
    D /trunk/project/old_source/some_file
A /trunk/project/src/client/some_file (from /trunk/project/old_source/some_file:4795)

$ svn log -v -r4869 https://server/
r4869 | nn | 2007-09-25 13:14:34 +0200 (Tue, 25 Sep 2007) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
    M /trunk/project
    A /trunk/project/src
    A /trunk/project/src/client



$ svn log -v -r4868 https://server/
r4868 | nn | 2007-09-25 13:14:28 +0200 (Tue, 25 Sep 2007) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
    M /trunk/project


That one is funny. A modified directory but no paths modified
underneath. Was this a propset?

These give identical output:

svn log -v -r4868 --xml https://server


svn log -v -r4868 --with-all-revprops --xml https://server

I don't understand what happened there. It was a commit made with svk, so maybe that had something to do with it.

$ svn log -v -r4867 https://server/
r4867 | nn | 2007-09-25 12:04:58 +0200 (Tue, 25 Sep 2007) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
    M /trunk/project
    A /trunk/project/some_file

Maybe you're trying too hard to disguise things. Are you really adding
some_file right under project here and under project/src/client in r4871?

No, those were different files... I'm sorry I can't share the repo publicly.

r4868 appears twice in git. One commit is on master/trunk and has parent and child, while the other is on a branch and has no parent.
- your incarnation of git-svn

# git --version
git version
I actually meant incantation, I guess I should brush up on my little
latin, uhm ;)

So, did you use something like

git svn init -s https://server/


git svn init -T trunk/project/src/client -t 'tags/*/project/src/client'
-b 'branches/*/project/src/client' https://server/

I used

git svn clone -s https://server/

initially. Then I tried

git svn clone -T trunk/project/src -r tags -b branches https://server/

which gave better results. Then I settled on using "-r4869:HEAD".

My suggestion would to use two svn sections (option "-R") with different
configs for different repo structures, and to fetch the first one with
"-r1:4866" and the second one with "-r4871:HEAD". Reorganising the svn
repo layout can confuse git-svn quite a bit (and understandably so).
Using different configs for different "epochs" helps. grafts are your
friend when it comes to connecting the two.

Good suggestion. I didn't realize one could do it that way.

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