Hi Petr, hi Gits, So the Debian topgit package used to have a branch fixes/destdir to make the Makefile distro-friendly. TopGit 0.3 has integrated this, thus obsoleting the fixes/destdir branch. I thought the way to handle this would be to simply delete the TopGit branch, but of course that breaks everything, e.g.: lapse:..t/topgit|debian/locations|% tg update tg: fatal: some dependencies are missing: fixes/destdir I now we had a recent discussion about how to remove branches, and that there's basically no way to do this. In the discussion, upstream inclusion was listed as one of the instances when this wouldn't be needed, but that refers to upstream pulling/am'ing my commits, not implementing the same functionality differently. How do I retire the fixes/destdir branch? Do I manually remove the dependency from depending branches? Thanks, -- martin; (greetings from the heart of the sun.) \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:" net@madduck "one should never allow one's mind and one's foot to wander at the same time." -- edward perkins (yes, the librarian) spamtraps: madduck.bogus@xxxxxxxxxxx
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