Hi, Michael,
Michael J Gruber wrote:
moduleA/trunk <- contains trunk development of moduleA
moduleA/tags <- empty
moduleA/branches <- empty
All of those module?/{tags,branches} are empty, right? I assume
branches follow the pattern below for tags.
moduleE/trunk <- I don't care about this one...
trunk/ <- contains ancient version, not actual trunk
tags/1.0.0/moduleA <- contains tagged version of moduleA
tags/1.0.0/moduleB <- contains tagged version of moduleB
tags/1.0.0/moduleC <- contains tagged version of moduleC
tags/1.0.0/moduleD <- contains tagged version of moduleD
So I'd like to set up a git repo that tracks this SVN repository, and
allows me to see:
... in my checkout, whether I'm on trunk or a tag.
So you want one git repo, reflecting the modules simply by different
subdirs? I'm afraid that raises similar problems like those I asked
about in my (yet unanswered) post
I saw your post, and flagged it to see if anybody answered it, yes it
does seem similar.
I've started with "git svn clone http://path/to/svn -T moduleA/trunk
-t tags -b branches", and it's been sucking down branches for a
couple days
This should give you all "modules" (as subsdirs) for all branches and
tags already. svn branch "branchname" becomes git remote branch
"branchname", svn tag "tagname" becomes git remote branch "tags/tagname".
Note that your new git branch trunk will contain the contents of
"moduleA" only.
That's exactly what happened.
now, still not done. Can I set up moduleB/moduleC/moduleD as
additional remotes in this same repository, and end up with the
desired result? Was thinking I would add additional svn sections to
.git/config, and then git svn fetch -- will this work, or is there a
better way?
If I understand your layout (and "desires") correctly then trunk will
be your only problem: you want to map "module?/trunk" to subdir
"module?" of branch "trunk". This is more or less the problem I'm
facing. Regular expressions (other than the ones for branches and
tags) in git svn config would solve this.
I found in the docs a section on subtrees, and with a bit of trickery, I
think I'm getting what I want, though it's not simple to update. What
I've done so far is change .git/config to:
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
[svn-remote "svn"]
url = http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src
branches = branches/*:refs/remotes/*
tags = tags/*:refs/remotes/tags/*
[svn-remote "dojo"]
url = http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src
fetch = dojo/trunk:refs/remotes/dojo-trunk
[svn-remote "dijit"]
url = http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src
fetch = dijit/trunk:refs/remotes/dijit-trunk
[svn-remote "dojox"]
url = http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src
fetch = dojox/trunk:refs/remotes/dojox-trunk
[svn-remote "util"]
url = http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src
fetch = util/trunk:refs/remotes/util-trunk
... dojo, dijit, dojox, and util correspond to moduleA-D in my previous
example. So I have "svn" for the branches, and separate SVN sections for
the trunk of each module. Then I used git svn fetch
[dojo|dijit|dojox|util] to suck down those as individual branches.
Now the tricky part: I checked out a new "work" branch, and deleted
everything in the working copy. Then, 4 steps out of the howto, adjusted
to pull the particular branch from the current repository (instead of an
outside one):
git remote add -t dojo -f dojo ./
git merge -s ours --no-commit dojo-trunk
git read-tree --prefix=dojo/ -u dojo-trunk
git commit -m "merge dojo into subdirectory"
... repeat for the other modules, and I ended up with my "work" branch
containing the full trunk for all 4 modules.
Now for tracking the original project. According to the howto, you use
this syntax to pull down changes:
git pull -s subtree Bproject master
... when I try git pull -s subtree ./ dojo, I get "Already up to date",
even though I know there are new changes. Still need to mess around with
git svn rebase, I guess, to get the updates working correctly.
John Locke
"Open Source Solutions for Small Business Problems"
published by Charles River Media, June 2004
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