Fredrik Skolmli wrote:
when running git svn dcommit --add-author-from on a git-svn repository,
--use-log-author is not implied by itself. This causes the rewritten history
to not show the author in the way most users would expect it to be, "Name
<email@xxxxxxxxxx>", but instead "<user@uuid>".
Instead of forcing people to write "svn dcommit --add-author-from
--use-log-author", is it a bad move to imply the last argument, making the
history look more user-friendly to start with?
The documentation mentions that these 2 parameters are for init and,
like other parameters, I had the feeling they will affect either the
"init" process or the entire existance of the repository. Now that I
look better, I see that there is no "config" note next to them.
From my point of view, they should be repository config options,
affecting all commits. I can't see a reason for having only sometimes
--add-author-from. If you want to commit information about the authors
in regards to a SVN repository, you'll always want that option to be on.
If you want to have authors properly identified when getting something
out of the SVN repository, you'll always want to have --use-log-author on.
I would also like some option to stop pushing a commit if it doesn't
have any From/Signed-off-by line in it.
P.S. I am very curious why using From and not Signed-off-by. I had the
feeling that Signed-off-by is being used to also mark the path of a
patch. Also, is there a centralized list of all the ways a patch can be
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