Firstly, thanks to all for the quick response.
Robin Rosenberg wrote:
tisdagen den 17 juni 2008 18.43.12 skrev Galder Zamarreno:
I've been using egit for a few weeks and firstly, I'd like to thank the
people involved in the project for the work done so far.
There's one thing that has been bugging me about egit though which is
related to the decoration of untracked files. Egit/JGit does not seem to
pay attention to .git/info/exclude that I have configured so that
anything under output folder is excluded.
This is a correct observation. It is a missing feature so far.
Egit/JGit does seem to have decorations working fine for patterns
specified in "Team/Ignored Resources" but it only applies it to files
not folders, hence, adding "output" as pattern does not work and
I haven't noticed, but looking at the code its seems some we should
use Team.isIgnoredHint instead of what we do now (which only
take a file as an argument). Patch below. The reason I haven't noticed
is that I have only depended on Eclipse marking of resources as "derived"
which worked. (You can mark resources as derived youself in the properties
of that resource, and Egit will ignore it).
Hmmmm, is marking a resource as "derived" recursive? i.e. if I mark
"output" folder as derived, would anything under it be considered
derived? It'd be a pain to go a mark as derived each and every class.
I suppose you still need the patch to use Team.isIgnoredHint to get
derived resources to be ignored, correct?
instead, I have to specify any pattern that would match a file within
the output folder which is not practical. Folders are taken into account
as ignored resources in subeclipse (subversion eclipse plugin)
I can see two ways of implementing this that I'm happy to have a look
into but I wanted to get some advice from the experts of egit/jgit to
indicate which would be the preferred solution going forward.
1.- Implement .git/info/exclude functionality in egit/jgit
We need that. Florian came up with a set of patches that should be
usable for this. I haven't applied them to the tree yet.
That'd probably be the proper solution to the decoration issue at hand.
2.- Improve the decoration handling in jgit/egit so that it can check
whether the file is under a pattern that should be excluded. I tried to
implement this but requires using API that eclipse considers internal.
What do people think? Should I bother with 2 or is it better to
implement decorations for patterns in .git/info/exclude correctly?
The decoration should not ignore anything except what the resource filters
(affecting visibility) dictates. If a resource is tracked it should be shown unless
visibility is prevented by a resource filter or other view specific mechanism.
When we track (add) resources recursively we should honor the git ignore
patterns, but only for add. Everywhere else we do not just ignore resources
that match an ignore pattern.
Btw, Here is an attempt to match folders by Team ignore patterns too.
Hmmmm, so the proper way is either marking resources as derived and use
your patch or implementing .git/info/exclude, correct?
(OT: I did not format the code. (please try, and you'll see why). We'll have
to come up with something better than an 80-column format, it's so seventies)
-- robin
From 42eadb50b9b87e5324f941ce2d2371e07577f55a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robin Rosenberg <robin.rosenberg@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 22:48:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Apply Team/Ignore settings to folders too when tracking new resources
We used to only care for file resources. Now folders, and their content,
are ignored if the folder name matches a pattern marked as ignored
in the Team settings.
Signed-off-by: Robin Rosenberg <robin.rosenberg@xxxxxxxxxx>
.../org/spearce/egit/core/op/TrackOperation.java | 9 ++++++++-
1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/org.spearce.egit.core/src/org/spearce/egit/core/op/TrackOperation.java b/org.spearce.egit.core/src/org/spearce/egit/core/op/TrackOperation.java
index 6521f1c..af16cdb 100644
--- a/org.spearce.egit.core/src/org/spearce/egit/core/op/TrackOperation.java
+++ b/org.spearce.egit.core/src/org/spearce/egit/core/op/TrackOperation.java
@@ -90,13 +90,20 @@ public class TrackOperation implements IWorkspaceRunnable {
public boolean visit(IResource resource) throws CoreException {
try {
String repoPath = rm.getRepoRelativePath(resource);
+ // We use add to reset the assume valid bit, so we check the bit
+ // first. If a resource within a ignored folder is marked
+ // we ignore it here, i.e. there is no way to unmark it expect
+ // by explicitly selecting and invoking track on it.
if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
Entry entry = index.getEntry(repoPath);
- if (!Team.isIgnored((IFile)resource) || entry != null && entry.isAssumedValid()) {
+ if (!Team.isIgnoredHint(resource) || entry != null && entry.isAssumedValid()) {
entry = index.add(rm.getWorkDir(), new File(rm.getWorkDir(), repoPath));
+ if (Team.isIgnoredHint(resource))
+ return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw Activator.error(CoreText.AddOperation_failed, e);
Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Maintenance Engineer
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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