[RFC/PATCH v2] test suite for Git.pm

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Added a shell script (t/t9700-perl-git.sh) that sets up a git
repository and a perl script (t/t9700/test.pl) that runs the actual

Signed-off-by: Lea Wiemann <LeWiemann@xxxxxxxxx>

Here's my second version of the test suite.  The most important
additions since v1 are the following test sections: "config", "failure
cases for config", and "objects and hashes".

Everybody, if you have Unix (or Cygwin perhaps?) and 5 minutes to
spare, would you mind cloning my branch from
<http://repo.or.cz/w/git/gitweb-caching.git> [1], run
"make && cd t && ./t9700-perl-git.sh -v", and email me your platform
and whether the test succeeded or failed, plus error messages if any?

The remaining untested methods are:

repository: Should get more testing in the future.  (I'm planning to
  refactor it, so at that point I will automatically have to add

command*, exec_path, version, get_colorbool: These interact with the
  system, and I don't see how to easily test those right now.  At
  least command* and exec_path get tested indirectly through other

Also, there is an outstanding issue (might be a bug, but I'm not sure)
in the .TODO section at the bottom.  It's an issue with Git.pm, so it
shouldn't prevent this test suite from being merged.  (I probably
won't have time to fix it since I don't understand the methods
involved well enough, but perhaps Petr has an idea or can at least
confirm whether this is a bug.)

-- Lea


[1] Again, note that I will be rebasing/resetting the master branch
    and pushing new versions of my latest commits.  Hence, I believe
    that you will have to use git-pull --rebase to keep your clone

 t/t9700-perl-git.sh |   46 +++++++++++++++++++++
 t/t9700/test.pl     |  111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 t/t9700-perl-git.sh
 create mode 100755 t/t9700/test.pl

diff --git a/t/t9700-perl-git.sh b/t/t9700-perl-git.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..71c49bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t9700-perl-git.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Lea Wiemann
+test_description='perl interface (Git.pm)'
+. ./test-lib.sh
+# set up test repository
+test_expect_success \
+    'set up test repository' \
+    'echo "*.test" > .gitignore &&
+     echo "test file 1" > file1 &&
+     echo "test file 2" > file2 &&
+     mkdir directory1 &&
+     echo "in directory1" >> directory1/file &&
+     mkdir directory2 &&
+     echo "in directory2" >> directory2/file &&
+     git add . &&
+     git commit -m "first commit" &&
+     git rev-parse HEAD > revisions.test &&
+     git tag -- --silly-name &&
+     echo "changed file 1" > file1 &&
+     git add . &&
+     git commit -m "second commit" &&
+     git rev-parse HEAD >> revisions.test &&
+     git-config --add color.test.slot1 green &&
+     git-config --add test.string value &&
+     git-config --add test.dupstring value1 &&
+     git-config --add test.dupstring value2 &
+     git-config --add test.booltrue true &&
+     git-config --add test.boolfalse no &&
+     git-config --add test.boolother other &&
+     git-config --add test.int 2k
+     '
+test_external_without_stderr \
+    'Perl API' \
+    perl ../t9700/test.pl
diff --git a/t/t9700/test.pl b/t/t9700/test.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..91dd8da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t9700/test.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More qw(no_plan);
+use Cwd;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Temp;
+use IO::String;
+BEGIN { use_ok('Git') }
+# set up
+our $repo_dir = "trash directory";
+our $abs_repo_dir = Cwd->cwd;
+die "this must be run by calling the t/t97* shell script(s)\n"
+    if basename(Cwd->cwd) ne $repo_dir;
+ok(our $r = Git->repository(Directory => "."), "open repository");
+ok((open REVISIONS, 'revisions.test' and chomp(our @revisions = <REVISIONS>)),
+   "(read revisions)");
+# config
+is($r->config("test.string"), "value", "config scalar: string");
+is_deeply([$r->config("test.dupstring")], ["value1", "value2"],
+	  "config array: string");
+is($r->config("test.nonexistent"), undef, "config scalar: nonexistent");
+is_deeply([$r->config("test.nonexistent")], [], "config array: nonexistent");
+is($r->config_int("test.int"), 2048, "config_int: integer");
+is($r->config_int("test.nonexistent"), undef, "config_int: nonexistent");
+ok($r->config_bool("test.booltrue"), "config_bool: true");
+ok(!$r->config_bool("test.boolfalse"), "config_bool: false");
+our $ansi_green = "\x1b[32m";
+is($r->get_color("color.test.slot1", "red"), $ansi_green, "get_color");
+# Cannot test $r->get_colorbool("color.foo")) because we do not
+# control whether our STDOUT is a terminal.
+# Failure cases for config:
+# Save and restore STDERR; we will probably extract this into a
+# "dies_ok" method and possibly move the STDERR handling to Git.pm.
+open our $tmpstderr, ">&", STDERR or die "cannot save STDERR"; close STDERR;
+eval { $r->config("test.dupstring") };
+ok($@, "config: duplicate entry in scalar context fails");
+eval { $r->config_bool("test.boolother") };
+ok($@, "config_bool: non-boolean values fail");
+open STDERR, ">&", $tmpstderr or die "cannot restore STDERR";
+# ident
+like($r->ident("aUthor"), qr/^A U Thor <author\@example.com> [0-9]+ \+0000$/,
+     "ident scalar: author (type)");
+like($r->ident("cOmmitter"), qr/^C O Mitter <committer\@example.com> [0-9]+ \+0000$/,
+     "ident scalar: committer (type)");
+is($r->ident("invalid"), "invalid", "ident scalar: invalid ident string (no parsing)");
+my ($name, $email, $time_tz) = $r->ident('author');
+is_deeply([$name, $email], ["A U Thor", "author\@example.com"],
+	 "ident array: author");
+like($time_tz, qr/[0-9]+ \+0000/, "ident array: author");
+is_deeply([$r->ident("Name <email> 123 +0000")], ["Name", "email", "123 +0000"],
+	  "ident array: ident string");
+is_deeply([$r->ident("invalid")], [], "ident array: invalid ident string");
+# ident_person
+is($r->ident_person("aUthor"), "A U Thor <author\@example.com>",
+   "ident_person: author (type)");
+is($r->ident_person("Name <email> 123 +0000"), "Name <email>",
+   "ident_person: ident string");
+is($r->ident_person("Name", "email", "123 +0000"), "Name <email>",
+   "ident_person: array");
+# parse_rev
+is($r->parse_rev("HEAD"), $revisions[-1], "parse_rev: 'HEAD'");
+is($r->parse_rev("HEAD^"), $revisions[-2], "parse_rev: 'HEAD^'");
+is($r->parse_rev($revisions[0]), $revisions[0], "parse_rev: SHA1");
+is($r->parse_rev("--silly-name"), $revisions[0], "parse_rev: tag");
+is($r->parse_rev("nonexistent"), undef, "parse_rev: nonexistent name");
+is($r->parse_rev("0" x 40), "0" x 40, "parse_rev: nonexistent SHA1");
+# objects and hashes
+ok(our $file1hash = $r->parse_rev("$revisions[1]:file1"), "(get file hash)");
+our $iostring = IO::String->new;
+is($r->cat_blob($file1hash, $iostring), 15, "cat_blob: size");
+is(${$iostring->string_ref}, "changed file 1\n", "cat_blob: data");
+our $tmpfile = File::Temp->new();
+print $tmpfile ${$iostring->string_ref};
+is(Git::hash_object("blob", $tmpfile), $file1hash, "hash_object: roundtrip");
+$tmpfile = File::Temp->new();
+print $tmpfile my $test_text = "test blob, to be inserted\n";
+like(our $newhash = $r->hash_and_insert_object($tmpfile), qr/[0-9a-fA-F]{40}/,
+     "hash_and_insert_object: returns hash");
+$iostring = IO::String->new;
+is($r->cat_blob($newhash, $iostring), length $test_text, "cat_blob: roundtrip size");
+is(${$iostring->string_ref}, $test_text, "cat_blob: roundtrip data");
+# paths
+is($r->repo_path, "./.git", "repo_path");
+is($r->wc_path, $abs_repo_dir . "/", "wc_path");
+is($r->wc_subdir, "", "wc_subdir initial");
+is($r->wc_subdir, "directory1", "wc_subdir after wc_chdir");
+TODO: {
+	local $TODO = "commands do not work after wc_chdir";
+	# Failure output is active even in non-verbose mode and thus
+	# annoying, and parse_rev even dies.  Hence we skip these
+	# tests as long as they fail.
+	todo_skip 'config and parse_rev after wc_chdir', 2;
+	is($r->config("color.string"), "value", "config after wc_chdir");
+	is($r->parse_rev("HEAD"), $revisions[-1], "parse_rev after wc_chdir");

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