On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 3:50 PM, Alex Bennee <kernel-hacker@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi, > <snip> > Anyway today I noticed it had failed to import a sub-directory of the > project (not a bit I usually build). However looking at the import log > from parsecvs I see that the file was read by parsecvs. It looks as > though it should have made it into the git repo. The only thing that > seems different from the other modules is that the files where > imported once and don't seem to have been touched since. This may of > caused parsecvs to get confused? Well in answer to myself parsecvs does get confused. In an example failed to import file: Load: third-party/libxml/runtest.c,v 8207 of 79070 /export/git/master.cvs/third-party/libxml/runtest.c,v spliced: 1.1 Sorted heads for /export/git/master.cvs/third-party/libxml/runtest.c,v master 1.1 master > BRANCH-3-5-branch master > BRANCH-3-5-16-branch building branches for /export/git/master.cvs/third-party/libxml/runtest.c,v file sha1: b694d565caf10fedbc7566f2bf15b893c57d5a19 file sha1: b694d565caf10fedbc7566f2bf15b893c57d5a19 file has 2 revisions An lo, looking at the branches mentioned these missing files are there. Trouble is the files should be in a number of branches, looking at the ,v file in question: head 1.1; branch 1.1.1; access; symbols BRANCH-3-5-26-1: BRANCH-3-5-25-1: BRANCH-3-5-24-1: BRANCH-3-5-22-3: BRANCH-3-5-22-1: BRANCH-3-5-21-1: BRANCH-3-5-20-1: BRANCH-3-5-16-7: BRANCH-3-5-19-1: BRANCH-3-5-16-6: BRANCH-3-5-16-5: BRANCH-3-5-18-1: BRANCH-3-5-16-4: BRANCH-3-5-16-branch: BRANCH-3-5-17-1: BRANCH-3-5-16-3: BRANCH-3-5-16-2: BRANCH-3-5-16-1: post-merge-of-ajz-post-3-5-branch: pre-merge-of-ajz-post-3-5-branch: BRANCH-3-5-15-1: BRANCH-3-5-14-1: BRANCH-3-5-branch: BRANCH-3-5-13-1: BRANCH-3-5-12-1: BRANCH-3-5-11-1: BRANCH-3-5-10-1: BRANCH-3-5-9-2: BRANCH-3-3-20-red-e1-opt-branch: GNOME_LIBXML2_2_6_29: GNOME:1.1.1; locks; strict; comment @ * @; 1.1 date 2007.; author jbpn; state Exp; branches; next ; date 2007.; author jbpn; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.1 log @Initial revision <snip rest of file> I'm not sure why parsecvs got this wrong, I'm digging through it but I'm a little fuzzy where lex/bison/whatever is involved. I notice looking at the log for some of the files that did make it that the CVS revisions for all the branches have a .0.[something] suffix which the missing branches in this case don't have. However CVS is very sure the file exists in these other branches. Could this be something to do with explicit branches and sticky branch tags? Or just a straight bug in parsecvs? -- Alex, homepage: http://www.bennee.com/~alex/ -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html