what about using git-describe? At work we use sth. similar to the
following script. Let's call it 'git-stamp':
if [ "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null)" = "true" ]; then
topdir=$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)
cd ${topdir:-'./'}
desc=$(git describe)
if [ $(git diff-index --name-only HEAD | wc -l) -ne 0 ]; then
cd $here
echo $desc
exit 0;
echo "Not inside a git working tree."
exit 1;
Basically it outputs the output of 'git-describe'. When something
whithin your working dir is currently *not* checked in, it outputs
Some sort of "-D$(git-stamp)" compiler switch would do the thing.
Depending on your makefile or scons-script this would yield to a
complete recompile of everything when only one file has changed.
In our environment we patch $(git-stamp) into some "version.c"
so the whole application only gets recompiled when version.c
has changed.
Daniel Quinlan schrieb:
Thanks for your earlier responses, they were very helpful.
On Apr 30, 2008, at 1:39 AM, Jakub Narebski wrote:
Daniel Barkalow <barkalow@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
On Tue, 29 Apr 2008, Daniel Quinlan wrote:
I've been trying to use git for awhile now, (and I've read a lot
of documentation, though maybe my comprehension has not been high
enough) but there are several operations which I can't figure out:
Many of answers to your questions can be found on GitFaq,
I should have read this earlier. I don't really understand the
details, but I get the idea: make the central repository bare.
3) Similarly, I can't use the little context diffs I can see in
git-gui -- I need to see side by side comparisons; I've become
accustomed to tkdiff. It seems like git mergetool knows how to do
that in some restricted circumstances, but I want to do it outside
the context of a merge.
This I don't know, but you can get particular files from particular
commits output with "git show <commit>:<path>", and you can likely wire
something up.
From the various graphical comparison tools, Meld has supposedly Git
support (http://meld.sourceforge.net/). Supposedly only because I
have not tested this; see
I found no mention of git on the meld man page or in the meld mailing
Here's a (perhaps naive) perl script which uses "git show" and wraps
the original tkdiff. Other cvs users might find it useful, though it
can surely
be improved.
I'm looking for a way to embed some identifying information about version
into compiled programs. I hasten to add that I am not looking to
expand RCS-like
tags. Unlike CVS/RCS, git provides a single value that characterizes
the whole
distribution, at least if everything is committed. So, something like
"git log | head -1 | awk '{print $2}'"
probably provides a value which I can embed into executables and
libraries, tying
them to a particular source configuration. I'm just curious if
there's a better approach
to getting the commit hash.
-- danq
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