On May 4, 2008, at 6:13 PM, Jörg Sommer wrote:
Hallo Brian,
Brian Gernhardt schrieb am Wed 30. Apr, 11:25 (-0400):
On Apr 30, 2008, at 5:02 AM, Jörg Sommer wrote:
Yes. How to get all tags of a commit?
% git tag foo v1.5.5
% git describe --exact-match 9d831805195ba40b62f632acc6bb6e53d3
warning: tag 'v1.5.5' is really 'foo' here
And how can I get only tags no annotated tags? We can't recreate
annotated tags with git rebase.
Yes, the tag list has to stay. I had missed several bits of what it
was trying to do.
Those concerns being: overrunning the length of a shell variable,
Are you shure there is any such bounding? I didn't saw anything
about the
size of a variables in IEEE 1003.1-2004, but didn't look very
All my shells (bash, dash, zsh) can handle more than 16777217
dash -c 'a=a; while :; do a=$a$a; echo $a | wc -c; done'
My concern is that some shell somewhere (like the ever problematic
Solaris) would have a limit and it would silently fail. It may be an
unfounded concern, but I thought I'd mention it to the list and see if
anyone agreed.
This would be a new version of create_extended_todo_list() without
What do you think about it? Is it better readable? But there's a bug.
I find it more readable and am pleased about the lack of perl and tac.
create_extended_todo_list () {
# The idea of this function is to
# 1. build a list of tags
# 2. go through the list and
# * issue a reset command to the parent of the commit, if the last
# commit was not the parent of the current commit,
# * issue a pick command for simple commits,
# * issue for each merge commit a merge command with the hashs of
# the parent commits,
# * register each parent of a merge and issue a mark command
# (without an ID) after the commit for each registered commit
# * issue a tag command, if the commit is in the tag list.
# 3. Then go through the created list and
# * add an ID to each mark command and
# * replace all occurences of the hash in reset and merge commands
# by the mark ID
Comment is excellent, although I'd prefer that the three parts were
simply next to the code they're referring to.
test -e "$DOTEST"/cetl.tmp \
&& die "Someone else uses our filename cetl.tmp." \
"That's not nice"
Is this just to catch a bug where another part of rebase -i uses the
same file? Or is there a way this could be triggered by user
actions? (I am under the impression that we'd never get this far if
$DOTEST already existed.)
while IFS=_ read commit parents subject
first_parent=${parents%% *}
if test "${last_commit:-$SHORTUPSTREAM}" != $first_parent
test "$first_parent" = $SHORTUPSTREAM &&
echo reset $first_parent
unset first_parent
case "$parents" in
*' '*)
for p in $parents
To avoid unneeded marks, you need one more variable and an if
statement. Instead of unconditionally marking every parent, keep
track of the previous commit and add a line like this:
if test "$p" != "$prev_commit"
mark_these_commits=$(insert_value_at_key_into_list \
"$commit" "$p" "$mark_these_commits")
if test "$p" = $SHORTUPSTREAM
new_parents="$new_parents $SHORTONTO"
new_parents="$new_parents $p"
unset p
echo merge $commit ${new_parents# * }
unset new_parents
echo "pick $commit $subject"
if tmp=$(get_value_from_list $commit "$tag_list")
for t in $(echo $tmp | tr : ' ')
echo tag $t
done > "$DOTEST"/cetl.tmp
unset commit parents subject
while read cmd args
I'd personally do "cat cetl.tmp | while" instead of "while .... done <
cetl.tmp", just so that where we're reading from is obvious from the
The problem is the mark command. If you walk from ONTO to HEAD
trough the
list, you must know for a commit, if it is used _later_. But don't
a mark if it is used immediately, e.g. pick; merge not pick; mark;
If you walk from HEAD to ONTO, this is much easier. I delayed the mark
for the first head of a merge and checked if the next commit is this
commit. This way I keep the todo list clean and don't get something
this for --first-parent:
pick abc
pick def
mark :0
merge 012 foreign-branch
(See above.)
~~ Brian--
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