On May 1, 2008, at 11:38 AM, Finn Arne Gangstad wrote:
Where do we want to go with submodules?
I have two uses for submodules.
The first one is... well, not really submodules at all. I really want
sparse checkout so I can avoid bothering with parts of the larger
project tree I don't care about or need. But right now submodules are
the only way to approximate sparse checkout, so until we have true
sparse checkout support, I want to be able to get semantics that act
like the submodules are just subdirectories in the supermodule with no
special care required. For this use case, the "automatically update
all my submodules and push all of them when I push the supermodule"
behavior being discussed here, along with synchronizing local branches
between the super and submodules, would be a huge usability improvement.
The second is closer to the current design's intended use case: a sort
of version-controlled symbolic link. This is for libraries and other
external dependencies. The current model is not too bad for this use
case, though ideally I'd like to see it get as low-touch as, say, svn
externals, where only one person on a development team needs to worry
about setting up and updating submodules and they cause the right
files to show up automatically for everyone else.
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