2) the patch does not touch refs/heads/* unless you are tweaking your
configuration (and quite heavily so). IMHO that's using enough rope
that you really ought to know about the reflog and... look for backwards
incompatible changes in the release notes!
Since when do you depend on people reading release notes and
immediately and correctly changing their behaviour?
I don't, that's why I never expected all patches to go in 1.5.6.
I sent them together to provide a single coherent series and an aim for
a transition plan -- which I'd prefer to work out with the git
community, who knows the release mechanics much better than I do. Jeff
King's reply to the cover letter is a start towards that; your e-mails
are also a start towards that, even though I don't think your transition
plan is feasible (also because it would break "git remote update"
4) one man's stupidity is another man's... [fill in] In particular, did
you understand the rationale for this change? Do you have any
alternative ideas?
Do you have a convincing one by now?
See the (long) cover letter.
And an acceptable transition plan?
("Read RelNotes!", yes, you mentioned. Another one?)
See above.
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