Hi folks,
I have noticed something strange with "git-archive"-created tarballs. It
seems that Winzip has trouble parsing the paths for certain files correctly.
The symptom is that Winzip shows some files as having been created at
the "top level" of the zip, without any path at all, while the rest of
the files are within their correct directory structure.
I have attached a screenshot of a gitweb-created snapshot opened in
Winzip 9.0 SR1 (build 6224), but it apparently happens in other (more
recent) versions of Winzip as well.
The tarball in question is at:
(It's a 2.7MB file). And yes, it happens when git-archive is called
directly, not just via gitweb.cgi.
Regular GNU tar (cygwin) shows the correct path info: (for example)
0 $ tar -tvzf /tmp/webscarab.tar.gz | grep AbstractTreeTableModel
-rw-rw-r-- root/root 2311 2008-03-08 22:35
0 $
The version of git on the server is:
> [rdawes@lucas rdawes]$ which git
> /home/rdawes/bin/git
> [rdawes@lucas rdawes]$ git --version
> git version 1.5.5.rc1.6.g5cc8f
Any ideas what may be going wrong here? Note that it doesn't seem to
happen when generating a ZIP using git-archive, but only when generating