Hi, I'm a gentoo user and since a long time I have been able to disable the perl sweet thanks to the gentoo "-perl" use flag. Recently I realized that was not possible anymore (I have *tons* of perl dependencies pulled on my system because of this). That's about perl, but it would be similar with all the others:python,ruby,lua,ocaml,vala,webscript,D,foo and foofoo++. tcl stays optional for the users who accept to have the tcl sweet installed, and perl should be treated the same way. Namely in the build system, perl should be made optional like tcl. The idea is to resist the temptation to favor one by making a hard dependency on it. Since git is getting more and more popular (it's the best :) ), more and more "high level language" developers will be interested to interoperate with it. In order to *fairly* and *cleanly* integrate any bindings/sweet from those "high level languages", the idea would be to put their bindings/sweet in their repective directory, and to make the build system have toggles for them. My intend is not to favor any of them, nor to be naughty with any of them. For instance, regarding the web interfaces we have: gitweb (perl) wit (python) gitarella (ruby) git-php (php) cgit (C) (We may have a C++ one, a lua one, ocaml one, a D one and, of course, the foofoo++ one...) Best regards, Sylvain BERTRAND P.S. Yes, I dislike the fact that emerge is python and paludis is C++. Indeed, I dislike the use of automake for a build system. The idea is not make it worse than it is already, a command shell and gmake is almost too much already. -- use single GPL licensed software, use Linux and secure your digital freedom! -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe git" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html