I'm investigating moving to git for our development, but I'm having
difficulty getting a functional
version on Solaris. I've looked through a lot of web pages, and seen
a discussion of some of
the problems a few years ago, and I see that at least some of the
changes proposed then (moving
from shell scripts to c) have been implemented.
However, it's by no means straightforward to compile git on solaris,
no one seems to provide
a compiled version (eg, sunfreeware.com), and I haven't found any
clear cookbook description of how to
compile, test and install git on the solaris (10) platform.
So my questions are:
* Is there a set of instructions for Solaris somewhere that I've missed?
* Is anyone actually using git on Solaris?
Right now, it appears that gnu make and bash are both required to
make git, and perhaps a bunch
of other gnu utilities.
* Once made, do the git scripts require gnu utilities to work
properly? I'm a bit leery of putting the
GNU utilities ahead of the solaris ones in my path (and everyone
-- danq
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