The crux of my conclusion comes after the ---------------------------- .
On 2 Feb 2008, at 4:31 PM, Junio C Hamano wrote:
Actually, I just tried this myself:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Term::ReadLine;
my $term = new Term::ReadLine 'foobar';
my ($user, $password);
while (!defined $user) {
$user = $term->readline("User: ");
system 'stty -echo';
while (!defined $password) {
$password = $term->readline("Password: ");
system 'stty echo';
print "You said <$user><$password>\n";
print "ReadLine backend used was ", $term->ReadLine, "\n";
In my case, the backend was "Term::ReadLine::Perl". A few
* After typing "junio <Enter>" to "User:", an extra newline is
left before "Password:" prompt;
I didn't have this problem.
* "Password:" prompt still echoed password "abc". There was no
extra newline before "You said <junio><abc>".
Indeed. I tested your code and my git-send-email code with all three
backend implementations (Term::ReadLine::Stub, Term::ReadLine::Gnu, and
Term::ReadLine::Perl). The problem with echoing seems to be a fault of
the Term::ReadLine::Perl implementation.
* In either case, typing <Enter> returns an empty string from
$term->readline() so the "while (!defined)" loop does not buy
us anything.
Frankly, I wrote that readline code according to the other uses of
as I am not well versed in these things.
Because all other uses of readline are wrapped in such while loops, I
that they are meant to cover systems with non-blocking (unbuffered)
IO, rather
than to continue to prompt the user due to empty strings.
Should empty-string passwords not be allowed?
Another example which appears in PerlFAQ #8 uses ReadKey with
its ReadLine, like this:
use Term::ReadKey;
$password = ReadLine(0);
which is different from Term::ReadLine's "ReadLine". An earlier
example you cited from perlfunc.pod's crypt() entry does:
system "stty -echo";
print "Password: ";
chomp($word = <STDIN>);
print "\n";
system "stty echo";
In either case, I was worried about the interaction between the
Term::ReadLine backend implementation and "stty".
This got me thinking: At first I wanted to use readline for the
password prompt,
because I figured it would allow the user better editing facilities,
with regard to the arrow keys. However, it occurred to me that perhaps
this should
not be the case; perhaps arrow keys are meant to be useable in
passwords, etc.
Well, this turns out to be the case! (which may not be a surprise to
most people,
but it was to me). Passwords can actually contain some of the keycodes
that read-
line converts into editing commands (now you know which characters you
don't have
to test when cracking my password). Therefore, we shouldn't even
bother using the
readline backend for password prompting; neither passwd nor ssh use
readline, for
I support the 'crypt' method, because the Term::ReadKey approach
requires another
module dependency.
Michael Witten
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