Hi, the model I use git with has a central repository that is cloned by developers and fetched and pushed into from developers. So the model is a bit CVS like. In order to have git fetch, when used without arguments (default behavior), to fetch from all the branches in origin but to have git push, when used without arguments (default behavior), to push only the current branch I use a specific configuration. For illustration I have created simple stupid example repositories attached as zipped tar file to this e-mail. The example provides two sub directories. The sub directory "cr" holds a bare git repository used to resemble a central repository. The sub directory "dr" contains a git repository and a work tree resembling a developers repository. There are two branches: master and green. When git push (no arguments) is invoked from one of the branches only the current branch gets pushed into the central repository (cr). On the other hand if there where updates in the central repository git fetch (no arguments) would fetch all branches. Of course merging would only be done in the current branch. This is probably a very specific way of using git. It took me a while to set it up like that. Maybe that's just me. But maybe there is somebody else for whom this e-mail could be of help. Here is the .git/config of the "dr" directory: [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "rmt_master"] url = ../cr fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* push = master [remote "rmt_green"] url = ../cr fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* push = green [branch "master"] remote = rmt_master merge = refs/heads/master [branch "green"] remote = rmt_green merge = refs/heads/green Hint: when e.g. "git remote add rmt_green ../cr" is used the remotes don't get setup like that.A "git config remote.rmt_green.fetch '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'" would be required in advance. Cheers, Michael
Description: GNU Unix tar archive